Project Ideas for CSE / IT Students

Deceptively simple project – Circular writing

Posted on: November 26, 2015

There are many who ask my suggestion on some interesting project. Here is one.

Make a program(s) that enables text to be written in a circle like on a logo or medallion, and that text should be  editable. See an example below


circular logo

We can assume that there would be just about 7 words, in a circle in simple font style. We will be given diameters of inner and outer circles and within what angle all letters will appear.

We will type words in normal way, i.e. straight line.

Hint: Program should calculate modification of each font in radiating space and then superimpose within circular space. See, letters A and V  in example.

Possible modifications

  • allow selection of different types of fonts
  • allow or disallow appearance of circular lines

This software is useful for certificates, medals, logo printing.

Enjoy and share idea.

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